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QSSO Policy



Bravocean Offshore Services Ltda is committed to excellence in all aspects of our qualified third-party workforce management services, either for offshore or onshore jobs, within the oil and gas and renewables sectors.


Our commitment to Quality, Safety and Labour Health is reflected on the following principles:


  • To develop and provide services to comply with client’s demands and requests, aiming as outcome our partners’ satisfaction and personal growth

  • We are committed to continuously pursue the improvement of our Quality, Safety and Labour Health management system

  • We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions, aiming to prevent injuries and work-related health issues. Our processes are continuously updated to mitigate onshore and offshore environments specific risks

  • We are committed to fulfill all legal requirements and other requirements related to our operations, employing ethical and responsible practices

  • We are committed to identify and eliminate hazards and reduce risks associated to Safety and Labour Health, rolling out preventive and protective measures in agreement with industry’s best practices

  • We continuously seek our Quality, Safety and Labour Health management system, via periodic performance review, incident critical analysis and introduction of corrective and preventive actions

  • We are committed to promote consultation and active engagement of our workforce and, as applicable, worker’s representatives, acknowledging their contribution to risk identification and improvement of Quality, Safety and Labour Health practices

  • This Policy shall be communicated to all partners, stakeholders and is available to the public. This Policy shall be regularly updated to ensure fitness for purpose and efficacy, promoting a safe, healthy and quality work environment 

Contact our team

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Address: Rua Doutor Antônio Luiz Moura Gonzaga, 3339.

Loja 301B. Rio Tavares Florianópolis - SC/ Brasil Zip: 88048.301

Thank you!

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